Friday, July 24, 2015

From Newlife Ministry: The Blessing of Brokenness

The Blessing of Brokenness

Brokenness is actually a blessing, but too often we're so caught up with wanting to feel better we miss God's best for us. If you're struggling . . . if you feel as if your faith is gone . . . don't miss the blessing that comes with brokenness . . . Here's a story that illustrates what I mean:

There was a young priest who was about to lift the communion cup and bless the cup. It was made of choice crystal. Just when he lifted up the cup, it slipped out of his hand and smashed in pieces onto the floor. He looked up at the senior priest thinking that he would be ridiculed. Instead the senior priest said, "I never knew there were so many beautiful pieces to reflect the light until the cup was broken. How marvelous and beautiful are all the pieces when the light shines on them!"

Like the cup, our broken lives can accentuate the beauty of the light shining through them. For that light is the Lord. What we fear is to be broken or be seen as broken; but as this story illustrates, it is in our brokenness that the light of Christ dazzles-drawing attention to His beauty, and making our lives beautiful as a result. 

And, in the book, Wild at Heart, John Eldredge commented, "But you can't do this at a distance; you can't ask Christ to come into your wound while you remain far from it. You have to go there with him." It's o.k. to be broken; it is in our brokenness that we can bring it to the Lord and experience His touch and healing, and bring hope to our broken heart. 

- Steve Arterburn 

"God can take all the broken pieces and put it back together in a way that is good."- Max Johnson

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