Monday, June 22, 2015

God hears your heart sing...

God doesn't hear your voice sing. 
God hear's your heart sing.

I heard this statement on Saturday night when Cindee and I went to a concert at Brandywine Summit Camp Meeting.  It got me thinking...

When I sing a hymn or any Christian song, my voice is singing.  That's obvious.  Is my heart singing?  Hmm...

Sunday, June 21, 2015

He's caused to much trouble. I'd prefer that he not come to youth group.

"He's caused to much trouble.
I'd prefer that he not come to youth group."

How many of us in youth ministry have heard this from your supervisor/pastor and/or said it under your own breath?  Chances are, you have.  I know I have.  The next thing you know, that poorly behaving young person has been removed or has picked up on the vibe that he's not wanted and away he goes never to enter the group again.

We, or the powers that be, may be releaved to know that the troublemaker is gone. For the health of the group, that may be a good thing. But wait... You are not running a group. You are, or should be, leading a ministry!  

That young person who's causing so much trouble needs the ministry that you offer more than you may realize. His behavior is a result of his issues and his issues need your ministry!

It may be best that he not attend ministry gatherings until his behavior improves. That does not mean that you don't concern yourself with his welfare. Find a way to minister to his needs and that of his family. You'll need other adults working with you and him in the process for a couple of reasons, the most critical of which to realize is that you can't minister to everyone. Find godly people who can walk alongside this troubled young person and help him carry his burden and then be healed from it. To do any less is to be a group leader and not a minister of God's church. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

aka: The Reverend Edward W. Battin
June 20, 1925

Had he not gone home on January 7th, 2008, 
he would be 90 years old today.

Friday, June 19, 2015


Rediscovery seems to be my "mode" these days.  Having made a major change in our spiritual journey, Cindee and I are on a new and wonderful path.  I'll be saying more about this in time.  Well, I guess I will.  This blog stuff is new to me and I'm not sure why I'm doing it.  I guess I'll discover why...  in time...